Fileshare user manual

Help for getting started with File Share
Updated on 27. January 2021 0 users liked this article

Basic access options

Fileshare can be accessed in the following ways:

  • Web portal: (or via> Fileshare)
  • Windows or Mac client (see instructions below)
  • iOS or Android client (see instructions below)

Installation - PC client

  • Login to the website:
  • At the top, click the person icon
  • Click on the operating system icons under Help
  • Download the appropriate installer
  • Open the downloaded installer and follow the instructions
  • After the installation, a login dialog appears that you have to confirm once.

Installation - mobile clients

  • Search for Seabix Fileshare in the Apple or Google App Store (see screenshot on the left).
  • Install the client on your device
  • At the initial login, click on Access Point at the bottom right and enter the following information:
  • Then log in with your usual user details and click on Login

Functions - Fileshare context menu

Right click on a file or a folder within the fileshare drive results in the enclosed context menu.

Request file (s):

  • Invite the other party to upload a file

Release … :

  • Share a file or folder with special settings

Create share link:

  • Create a public link to a file or folder that can be sent (is copied to the clipboard)

Activate offline access:

  • Make this folder available offline (when working offline or working with larger files)

Open in web browser:

  • Open folder in web client. For example, deleted files can be restored using the web client.

Force refresh:

  • Reload the directory tree

Manage changes

  • When you right-click on a file, the option Manage Revisions appears, which opens a website with earlier versions, with which you can restore these yourself.

Features - change management

  • Clicking on Managed Revisions opens a browser window that shows all of the previously created revisions
  • You can download a version manually by clicking the download arrow
  • You can restore this version in the current directory by clicking on the restore arrow
  • The version can be deleted by clicking on the X icon.

Features - unlocking devices

  • Fileshare prevents automatic processes such as viruses / ransomware from affecting large areas of files on fileshare.
  • If suspicious behavior is detected, fileshare automatically blocks the device - access is no longer possible (disabled by tenant)
  • In this case, the user can independently unlock his device by logging on to the Fileshare web access, clicking the person symbol in the top right corner and selecting My Devices.
  • Select the desired device and click on the magnifying glass
  • In the following screen, check the Allowed box.

Features - quick search

  • In the Windows taskbar> click on the fileshare icon
  • Enter search term in the search field as follows
  • Variant 1: SEARCH TERM *
  • Variant 2: * SEARCH TERM *
  • Variant 3: SEARCH TERM (slower)
  • Click on the magnifying glass and wait for the search result
  • Clicking on file opens this, clicking on folder opens the relevant folder

Sharing - user invitations

  • Enter any email address here.
  • If several e-mail addresses are entered, these are with; to separate.
  • If an e-mail address is not yet registered in the system as a guest user and you want to assign this right, select User as guest user ... in the subsequent dialog. The guest will then receive an e-mail with a password reset link, with which he can independently set up his account can.

Sharing - sharing settings

  • Expires in:
  • Set this value to the desired expiration date
  • Read access:
  • if the guest is only supposed to read
  • Show only (download is disabled):
  • the guest can read but not download files.
  • Full access (only visible for guest users):
  • Full permissions
  • Password required for access:
  • if the link is to be password-protected and the guest does not have a guest account available.
  • Send e-mail notification (download / upload / change):
  • You will be informed of activities by email.

Check sharing sharing

  • In the Windows client right-click on the folder above> Open in the web browser
  • In the web client click on the tile symbol in the top right corner and then click on Show information panel for file / folder
  • Click on Sharing / Collaboration
  • Select the file to see / edit the detailed authorizations

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