Which APN does Seabix AG use for its data and IOT cards?

Definition of the APN for data and IOT cards.
Updated on 20. September 2022 0 users liked this article

1. Mobile Internet


Only rarely necessary

With Seabix Mobile SIM cards, the APN is usually configured automatically, so it is rarely necessary to adjust a manually configured APN.

Please enter the following APN in your end device to establish data connections. If this APN is not set correctly, the device cannot establish a data connection.

technology value
APN Internet


2. IOT cards


Always necessary

Please note that certain end devices set the APN incorrectly based on the underlying Swisscom network. The APN must therefore always be overwritten with the correct APN below.

Please enter the following APN in your end device to establish data connections. If this APN is not set correctly, the device cannot establish a data connection. With IOT cards, the standard APN access point must be mutated.

technology value
APN shared.m2m.ch

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