How can I improve the performance of fileshare?

Help to optimize the file share speed
Updated on 08. June 2021 0 users liked this article

Fileshare user manual

The general user manual with a description of all fileshare functions can be found here and here .

1. Initial situation

In the basic state, all mutations are carried out live on file share. This means that if you adapt a file, this change is carried out directly on the fileshare memory. This can be helpful for selectively accessed folder structures, but it is advisable to make the folder available offline for frequently used working folders.

2. Make the folder available offline

To improve performance, it can be helpful to make a folder available offline. To do this, right-click on the folder that you want to make available offline and select Activate offline access in the context menu.

If you no longer need the folder, you can deactivate offline access in the same way.

Wait for synchronization

The synchronization may take a moment depending on the folder contents. Wait for the synchronization to complete.

The entire content of this folder including sub-folders is synchronized on your hard drive and is available offline. Changes are then compared in the background with fileshare. Well-known fileshare functions such as distributed file locking will of course continue to work. This method also has the advantage that the files are available at all times even in the event of an Internet failure.

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