1. Activation or deactivation of the WLAN telephony function
Seabix recommendation
We recommend that you always activate WLAN telephony.
Proceed as follows to activate or deactivate WLAN telephony on iOS:
- Settings> Phone> WiFi Calls
- Activation: ON
- Deactivation: OFF
Open hotspots can cause problems with iPhone
An iPhone basically dials into an open WLAN. This can lead to problems with telephony. You should therefore deactivate WLAN when you are out and about to prevent this. Open WLANs are very common in cafes, shopping centers, etc., for example.
2. Activation of VoLTE
Seabix recommendation
We currently recommend disabling VoLTE on your iPhone. Unfortunately, this is not possible with newer 5G-capable iPhones. We are working with the manufacturer on appropriate solutions. This is an iOS specific problem. When switching from 4G to 3G, calls can currently be dropped on iPhones if you are using VoLTE.
Call up the VoLTE settings as follows:
- Go to Settings> Mobile Network> Data Options and tap Enable LTE, or go to Settings> Cellular Data and tap Enable LTE.
- Activate: Data: Allows the use of mobile data via LTE