Download Workplace Client PDF Editor (Kofax Power PDF)

Currently released version: Windows:
Updated on 26. November 2021 0 users liked this article

Supported Operating Systems

operating system Released versions Remarks
Windows 10, Server 2016, Server 2019 All service packs

known problems

  • No

Release Notes

  • The product Power PDF Advanced is now being marketed by Kofax and references to the previous Nuance brand have been removed accordingly
  • The icons have been changed:

Old New
Program icon
PDF file type icon
  • Kofax Power PDF is the future standard PDF software on all systems managed by Seabix. The product contains significantly more functions than Acrobat Reader. If the customer still wants to set Acrobat Reader as the standard, he can adjust this at any time using these instructions.
  • The installation has been optimized and now opens version notes on the changes in the current version when there is an update.
  • Detail improvements

What do you have to do after the automatic installation?

  • Delete any old Nuance Power PDF icons in the taskbar and reset them via the start menu.
  • If you wish, change the default file type according to this help article.
  • After installing and starting Kofax Power PDF for the first time, answer the questions about accessibility.
  • If necessary, copy existing Nuance signatures according to this help article .


Note for managed systems

Systems managed by Seabix receive this update automatically. No manual interaction is required.

Software is only available for managed systems

This software is only available to managed systems. If you have any questions, please contact our sales department.

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