How do I configure my network VPN client?

Instructions for configuring the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client
Updated on 04. November 2022 0 users liked this article


Basic installation required

The installation of the software is assumed as the basis of these instructions. Instructions and download here .


License activation required

You have received a license from Seabix Support, you can activate it as described in this article .


configuration file

Your ICT admin will receive a configuration file from Seabix Support with the most important settings for your VPN connection. The file is named CUSTOMER NUMBER.ini

Import configuration file

  1. Start the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client
  2. Choose Configuration > Profiles

3. Choose Add / Import

4. Select "Import profiles" and enter the desired file in the subsequent dialog.

5. Click through and finish importing the configuration profile

Make customizations

1. Choose Configuration > Profiles

2. Edit the imported profile

3. Switch to the Identity menu item and enter your access data (password = shared secret)

4. For high-performance VPN, disable "IPsec over HTTPS" in the "Advanced IPsec Options" menu


IPsec over HTTPS

When you're on the go, the IPsec over HTTPS feature can allow you to connect even if the local firewall blocks VPN connections. In this case, activate the option again.

5. Increase the connection timeout value under "Connection Control" as shown below

6. Disable dead peer detection

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